Cow Pregnancy Scanning
Why Pregnancy Testing is a Good Option for your Cows and Farm Profits,
- We Use REPROScan as our choice of scanners For Ultrasound Preg Testing
- Identify Early Non Pregnant cows Re join or Cull
- Detect Any Herd Fertility Problems early.
- Identify Reproductive or Nutritional Issues Early
- PTIC Can open marker opportunities that would not be there if you didn't Preg Scan
- Reduce Calving interval and Improve Management Plans for Calving
- PTIC - Allows for greater management of feed budgets and grazing grass budgets
- PTIC helps plans stocking rates and destocking programs
- Ability to help Detect herd Fertility Issues early , Reproductive issues
Preg testing rates - Enquire Per hour for small herds / Per head For larger Herds